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1st cycle of state exams, Safety during the syllabus: Download example of protocol and circular

1st cycle of state exams, Safety during the syllabus: Download example of protocol and circular

Following the Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Education and the trade unions of the school sector on “Functional Guidelines for Ensuring Regular Performance of the 2020/2021 State Final Examinations”, several Italian schools of primary and secondary schools adopted the degree to adopt their own protocol for the safety measures to be taken during the state elections as of 2020/2021 .

Protocol for security measures to be taken during state elections as 2020/2021

According to the Code of Conduct in the Model Protocol of the Ministry of Education and the Code of Conduct approved by private schools, “M. The Stanzion of Frattamagior (NA), directed by the School Director Professor Anna Moloro, will ensure thorough cleaning of the campus in order to pass the state exam, which is expected to include the entrance hall, corridors, bathrooms and any other environment.

Specific cleaning activities

They are insured – as indicated by the protocol of “M”. Stanzion “Fratamagior (NA) – School co-ordinators, at the end of each exam session (morning / afternoon) and at the end of each interview, carry out specific cleaning activities for surfaces and decorations and for specific cleaning activities for decorations / school supplies.

Purifiers (hydro alcohol solution distributor) are available at various points in the school building for candidates and school staff, in particular, access to the room where they want to conduct the exam to allow frequent hand hygiene.

Use of own material

Each member of the Commission is allowed to use only their own pens, pencils and other work materials for each student. Exchange between anyone is prohibited.

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In the case of processing paper documents, this treatment can be carried out by the commissioners with bare hands, cleaned frequently or by hand washing. Gloves such as latex and nitrile are not recommended. This is because they can cause damage to the hands due to strong sweating or allergies

Candidates’ Conference and Calendar

According to the pre-defined calendar and timetable, the educational institution will gather candidates. This is to avoid crowds of people waiting outside the school premises and to minimize what they have. Conference Calendar – Indicated by the protocol of “M”. Advance notice will be given on the Stanzion – School website in Frattamagior (NA) and via electronic registration with parental consent.

15 minutes before candidate school

To avoid the possibility of reunion, the candidate must arrive at the school at least 15 minutes before the scheduled appointment time and leave the school building as soon as the test is completed.

What should the environment guarantee?

In addition, the school will prepare a conference to conduct the exam – as indicated by the protocol of the First Grade State Intermediate School. Stanzion “Fratmagior (NA) – Large enough to guarantee an environment with windows to facilitate air exchange:

  • A distance of not less than two meters (including the place of operation) to the commissioner (or to each commissioner for another);
  • To the candidate not less than two meters (including the place of operation) from the nearest member of the Commission;
  • Adequate distance during a practical air instrument test;
  • The gap of two meters should be noticed by any person of the candidate.
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Candidates may be with only one person

Candidates – Headmaster Anna Molaro explains – Candidates must present the same notice, prepared with an individual (delivered at the school employee’s entrance), Certificate:

  • No respiratory symptoms or fever above 37.5 above C on the day of commencement of examination procedures and the previous three days;
  • You have not been isolated or home isolated for the past 14 days;
  • In the last 14 days, as far as they know, they have not interacted with positive people.

When does the candidate not have to go for the examination?

In the presence of one of the above conditions, the candidate is not required to appear for the examination and immediately prepares the relevant medical certificate so that the Commission can schedule a recovery session. In this regard, we can confirm that Section 11 of Legislative Order No. 11. 62/2017, in which OM 52/2021 specifies that the Commission provides for the completion of a by-election session by June 30, in exceptional cases, by the end of the school year. – Cannot use social masks; Students are not recommended to use FFP2 masks based on the CDS opinion expressed in the report. 10 on 21 April 2021.

Members of the Commission must wear a surgical mask provided by the school to stay on the school premises, ensuring its change for each examination session (morning / afternoon).

What should the person accompanying the candidate do?

At the entrance, candidates and entourage must:

  • Wear a surgical mask provided by the school and the accompanying person (FFP2 is not recommended, community one is prohibited, as mentioned above) provided by the school. Confirm a distance of two meters from the commission so that students can lower the mask only during the interview;
  • Wash your hands (as well as any person) when entering the school premises;
  • School collaborators and all staff will ensure that meetings are avoided indoors and outdoors (e.g. in the school yard, driveway, etc.).
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Govt location

The Govt room will be used to welcome and isolate any symptomatic things.

Security protocol

Many schools have armed themselves, albeit extremists, with personal ethics, “M. Stanzion in Frattamagior (NA), directed by the school director, Professor Anna Moloro, with organizational skills. Another interesting protocol, directed by Professor Francesca Bellegrino, editor-in-chief, was produced by the Comprehensive Institute of Valteris, the true icon of management skills, “Dante Aligeri”. It is recalled that these protocols are implemented after consultation with a qualified physician, head of the Prevention and Safety Service and the Labor Safety Representative and Task Force on the use of COVID-19 emergency-related procedures.
