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macOS Montessori: Password Manager also generates 2FA authentication codes

macOS Montessori: Password Manager also generates 2FA authentication codes

Instead of searching for it in Safari options, Magos Montessori integrates passwords that are always commanded by natural logic: in System Options. A new menu has appeared, Passwords (not yet translated into French), which lists all passwords stored in the keychain.

The panel lists identifiers by highlighting those with compromised passwords (this can be seen by clicking on the small dots). These options suggest changing the password on the sites of the relevant services. It is also possible to share this information, only with AirDrop at this time, again, it does not seem to work well, but it is a beta.

Options Passwords Safari has only one interface, which is far sweeter than the sadly annoying list we currently own.

Magos Big Suril Safari Passwords Options.

On the other hand, Montessori or not, the access usage of the keychain remains the same, i.e. not very involved (it has the same version number 11.0 55293, as opposed to 11.0 55281 for the Big Sur version).

Another innovation for managing passwords in MacOS Montessori is now being able to export and import them. Apple promises support from other managers, but the options now do not know what to do with the files .1pif of 1 Password; Files .csv Accepted, however Magos is still subtle.

2FA keys directly on MacOS Montessori and iOS 15

MacOS Montessori Password Manager (in System Options and Safari Options), as well as settings Passwords Add to their curve a new tool for iOS 15 that allows you to create second authentication keys (2FA). So there is no need to use third party application anymore.

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Facebook’s 2FA activation process using Magos Montessori Manager. You must copy / paste the configuration key provided by the social network into the password information.
The manager generates a verification code when the web service requests a second identifier.

Once two-factor authentication is configured on the desired web service on Mac (entering web code) or iPhone (scanning QR code), the manager generates a verification code when needed.

It works well on macos 12, on the other hand it is very difficult for iOS 15: the iPhone 2FA can be registered as an app, but it does not create one when you need it, at least it does not. Should be at home (or I went like a handle on it, assuming it should not be discarded).