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est il possible arreter temps

Can time stop?

Many science fiction scenes use the opportunity to manipulate time, and include situations where some protagonists stop it altogether. But is such a move physically possible? Is time an event that can be manipulated at will or is it beyond our control?

First, you need to define time. ” For a physicist, it is not so mysterious. Time is only a seal in different parts of the universe. It tells us when something is going on », Explains theoretical physicist Sean Carroll California Institute of Technology. Many physical equations show little difference between the past, present and future.

Where time appears In Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity. According to Einstein’s theory, time is measured by clocks. Since parts of a clock have to move in space, time is trapped in space, which is called space time, which is the foundation of the universe.

Relativity shows that time becomes very unstable depending on how fast an observer moves compared to another observer. If you send a person with a clock in a spaceship at the close speed of light, it appears that time will pass for them more slowly than a person immobile on earth. And an astronaut Black hole, Its enormous gravity time is combative, appearing slow compared to the distant observer.

Stopping time: physical nonsense

But Carol says it’s not really a way to stop time. The two clocks do not agree on relativity, but each will always record the regular time in its own legal framework (in its reference frame). If a traveler approaches the black hole, he will not notice anything else. His watch would tell the time in his note structure and run second.

Equation Einstein
Einstein’s equation (or gravitational field equation) is the core of the general theory of relativity. To the left of Equality appear terms related to the geometry of space-time. On the right, words related to the energy-material content of space-time. Depending on the geometry faced, time may pass differently. But even if it flows differently between two frames, each reference will measure a local time in a completely normal way. © Wikipedia

So for Carol and other physicists, it makes no sense to talk about stopping time. We know that a car moves because it is in a different place in space at different times. ” Movement is a change from time to time, so it cannot move with time. In other words, when time stops, all movements stop .

While science fiction often presents situations in which a person stops common words, situations like these raise a lot of questions. ” Do you prevent the wind from moving? ‘Then you’re stuck in the air Carol explains that a character who stops time may not be able to see anything because the rays of light no longer reach his eye sight.

Chronostasis: The psychological delusion of stopping time

As far as physics is concerned, that seems impossible. But time is more than just reading a clock. It is a feeling we have; An event called “psychological time”. In this case, it may be subject to our emotions or our mental state over time. Craig Calendar, a time philosopher at the University of California, describes a well-known psychological illusion called chronostasis, in which a person puts a clock on the edge of their field of vision and then looks at something else for a while.

If you come back to the clock and focus on the hand for seconds, the second hand will pause. ” The needle really seems to pull or stop. You may feel like time is freezing The calendar says. Part of the illusion is said to be due to small eye movements called jerks, in which the eyelids move rapidly to constantly observe their surroundings.

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To prevent confusing blurring, our brain actually changes what we see in real time, creating the appearance of a continuous field of view. The question is: What has physicists got to do with our ideas about time and space? Calendar has written several books that attempt to explore the relationship between the two books, and so far there has not been much consensus on a final answer.

When it comes to the final flow of time, the calendar supports an image where nothing flows, but where our history flows. What does he think about the possibility of stopping time? ” If we think about our subjective sense of time, we can stop parts of it by chronology. But that is probably what we can do .