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"This is not my life plan": Soder explains the late candidate for president-politics

“This is not my life plan”: Soder explains the late candidate for president-politics

CSU leader and Bavarian Prime Minister Marcus Soder has long been tactical and has avoided making a clear commitment on whether he wants to run for union president. Soder announced his readiness on Sunday.

Soder said in the afternoon that he and his rival, CDU boss Armin Lashset, had “long and harmonious exchanges” in Sunday’s union election. The conversation is not over. However: “We are both determined that we are both fit and ready.”, Says Soder. There is no doubt about the determination, he clarified.

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In a press conference directly after the union exam, and later in the ARD program “Report from Berlin,” Soder stated the reasons for his decision to run for president now. After all, he had to do these with the expectations he had placed on him.

“Preparing for such a candidacy is not my life plan, but The expectation of many in Germany, including ideas and studies, Absolutely decisive, but do not play an important role, “Soder told ARD.

Many who asked him were on CDUWhether he is generally ready. “That’s why I think it’s fair and appropriate to do so now,” Soder said.

[Lesen Sie exklusiv bei Tagesspiegel Plus: So stehen die Chancen von Laschet und Söder auf die Kanzlerkandidatur der Union.]

If a majority wantsThat he was a candidate “Would this be a pinch of responsibility”Disagree. Soder continued: “You can only say that if you are willing to take responsibility. I will do.”

Soder reiterated that he would only run if the CDU supported him: “Under no circumstances will it bend or break. In the end, we do not want a broken union, but a closed union. “On Monday, the top organizations of the CDU and CSU will meet to discuss the union candidacy for president. Soder did not expect a result. (with dpa)