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Glycy 486b: Astronomers discover new super Earth in space

Glycy 486b: Astronomers discover new super Earth in space

Cologne –

In our cosmic environment astronomers have discovered so-called super-Earth, which may retain part of its original atmosphere, so it is very suitable for future observation with large telescopes. According to the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy (MBIA) in Heidelberg on Thursday, the planet orbits the red dwarf star Glyce 486, 26 light-years away.

  • Glycy 486b: Astronomers discover new super-Earth
  • Researchers hope to gain important insights from the new planet
  • Glyce 486b is similar to Earth and Venus

Astronomers from a consortium led by Tryphon Tryphonov of MBIA reported their findings in the journal Science. Over the past two and a half decades, researchers have been orbiting thousands of extrasolar planets made of gas, ice and rocks. However, only a few of them are earth-like.

New Super Earth Discovered: Researchers interested in the vicinity of the planet

Scientists hope that the next generation of large telescopes planned and to some extent already under construction will make great strides in researching their atmospheres. According to reports, the newly discovered planet named Glyce 486b meets the needs of rocky planets for such observations.

“The proximity of this Exoplanet is exciting because it could be explored more closely by powerful telescopes such as the forthcoming James Webb Space Telescope and the Greatest Telescope of the Future,” said Tryphonov, the lead author of the new study.

Super-Earth: Exoplanet Glyce 486b is similar to Venus and Earth

According to the findings of astronomers, the Exoplanet Glyce 486b is a mixture of Venus and Earth – including a metal core. The force of gravity on its surface is 70 percent stronger than on Earth. Super Earth is 30 percent larger than our home planet, 2.8 times larger than Earth.

Glyce 486b orbits its parent star 2.5 million kilometers in one and a half days. It takes longer to orbit its own axis so that it always faces the same side of its star. Although the Glycemic 486 star is much dimmer and cooler than the Sun, it warms the surface of the Super Earth to at least 430 degrees Celsius.

Glycyrrhiza 486b may thus have a warmer, drier terrain that resembles Venus and travels with glowing volcanic currents. Unlike Venus, Glyce 486b may have only a thin atmosphere – however.

Glycy 486b: Researchers hope to gain new knowledge about the planets

Jose A. Caballero, co-author of the Spanish Centro de Astrobiology study, explained that “the discovery of Glyce 486b was a side effect of luck. One hundred degrees warmer and the entire surface of the planet would be lava. Its atmosphere would have evaporated rocks.” That would have been irrelevant. “

“We can’t wait until new telescopes are available,” Trifonov explained. “These results will help us understand how well rocky planets can retain their atmospheres, what they are and how they affect the planet’s energy supply.” (AFP)