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In use for the first time since 2018: Brandenburg - Snowfalls to prevent flooding in Berlin

In use for the first time since 2018: Brandenburg – Snowfalls to prevent flooding in Berlin

Polish and German snowmen are expected to begin their operation against drift ice in the Oder in the coming days after the end of the permafrost. The Flood Reporting Center of the State Office of the Environment was announced Sunday.

On Monday, the water level could rise even more significantly due to the snowfall, with continued frost, as the border moved upwards, from where the snow hit the closed ceiling. Increasing slippage in the ocean causes water to rise further in snowy areas.

The last snowstorms were in Oder in 2018. Size Or flood Mainly in 1997, but also in 2010.

For the report level Hohenzaden-Fino in the Marquich-Otterland district, the flood alarm level 2 came into effect on Sunday, while the level flood alarm level 1 in Statskoe on the Upper Mark continues to apply.

As the fog subsided slightly, water levels below Hohenzaden-Fino dropped slightly. The water level has risen slightly over the past few hours on the Kostovis route, which is further uphill in the southeast.

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Unlike other rivers, the ice in the Oder forms below. According to the State Office for the Environment, it could be wedged with loose floating ice floes, which could lead to a backwater. When the stream and its tributaries are blocked by snow, the water cannot drain properly. There is a risk of flooding as a result. (dpa)