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[Podcast] Micro Ondes # 2: Chefs Get Started!  |  Touchdown Act (NFL Act)

[Podcast] Micro Ondes # 2: Chefs Get Started! | Touchdown Act (NFL Act)

3, 2, 1, good start! Best Chef 2021, let’s go!

Led by Raவுl Villeroy, writers Rafael Masmajian and Lucas Vola are back on the microphones again about this first weekend match. There is something more to say!

Candidates, chefs, dishes, teams… everything went through a sieve.

Our tops / flops, our updated “Power Ranking” and above all a novelty: Clash of the Week! MOF or 3 stars? Rafael and Lucas describe their arguments, but you determine the winner by participating in our survey.

Attention, Chapter 100% Spoiler!

Good listening!


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