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Elliott 5G, the first new compatible smartphones from today (Preview

Elliott 5G, the first new compatible smartphones from today (Preview

New compatible 5G smartphones

Preview 4FAN.IT. The list of Iliad 5G compatible smartphones is expanding. The fourth mobile operator works by enabling new antennas as announced on its 5G, but increasing the number of devices it supports. All news about Iliad can be found on the Telegram channel as always Among the smartphones already announced in the launch today are:

Motorola: Edge, Moto G5G Plus, Moto Razr 5G
Nokia: Nokia 8.3 5G

These smartphone models have already been added to the list seen:

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Hawaii: P40, P40 Pro, P40 Pro +
Oppo: Renault 4 5G, Renault 4 Pro 5G, Discover X2 Lite, Discover X2 Neo, Discover X2 Pro
Xiaomi: Mi10D Lite 5G, Mi10, Mi10D, Mi10D Pro, Mi10 Pro

So these are current phones Compatible with Iliad’s 5G. Note that the fifth generation network is only available today The Iliad Giga is 70 percent operational from here. This phone plan is currently only available on Iliad 5G. Currently, unfortunately, this is not possible for those who are already Iliad customers Change the plan and move on to the new plan. In short, older customers (even if they have one of these compatible smartphones) will have to wait a while before accessing 5G.

5G Iliad does not have an iPhone yet

The expectation of compatibility with the new iPhone 12 is definitely the best. Iliad does not allow the use of 5G with the iPhone, which is considered very strange because Apple phones are sold by a fourth Italian mobile operator. Of course compatibility with Cupertino’s best devices will come in the coming weeks.

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In the last few hours, we have written about a new scam involving an Iliad victim, but this unfortunately also includes the name of our spontaneous and independent community If you have not yet read our post on this story, You can retrieve it by clicking here.

We wrote about this in previous chapters of What are the changes in 5G compared to 4G? / Iliad Coverage / Iliad offers and fees this month