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4 sites to download free e-books

E-readers are awesome products, but they quickly become expensive. Digital books are often offered at paperback prices. Fortunately, there are online libraries that allow you to download for free – and Legally – Wide selection of e-books.

There are many of these bookstores, but for our part we have retained three important places.

An e-reader holding a hammock to a woman
The picture from Pixabay is perfect

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This list is definitely not exhaustive, so you can complete it by providing your own libraries. On the other hand, we emphasize the fact that there must be recommended content Mandatory Would be legal.

Open Library Home Page
Screenshot of an open library site

It is undoubtedly very popular, and for good reason: it was started by an web archive site, you should know for sure.

Very complete, this library offers millions of e-books. However, be careful, because they are not all provided in French. In addition, some of them will only be provided on credit. All the best classics that have entered the public domain are available, and you can find many filters to help you find content that suits your taste and your language.

La World Digital Library
Home page of the World Digital Library

This library is slightly different from the previous library. It doesn’t really focus on the latest works, but the old ones.

However, there are many works in it that you can discuss as you like, working on a variety of subjects, and this will allow us to learn a lot about earlier civilizations.

Gutenberg Project
Gutenberg Project Home Page

Another staple of the genre. Launched in 1971, the Gutenberg Project aims to secure jobs through digitalization. He is now the head of a large library of tens of thousands of digital books.

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Among its many advantages, all languages ​​are more or less included, but we can cite as an example the many formats supported by the service.

Calica Home Page
Calica, PNF website

Undoubtedly this service is unknown to the average internet user. Calica was originally created by BNF and the site provides access to hundreds of e-books available for free and legally.

To find them, run a search and check the box and then ask how to show only using the filters in the left column.