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2 tips for finding an appointment online

2 tips for finding an appointment online

Making an appointment to get vaccinated can be a real challenge, especially if you live in an area where there is a high demand, or conversely, some places are available. Here are two free tools to help you with your appointment process.

In France, the covalent vaccine has been open to all adults since May 31, 2021. More than 28 million people have received the first dose of the vaccine since the vaccine campaign began in France Covitracker data.

But despite the range of time spots and the large number of vaccines, it is always difficult to find an appointment for many French people who want to be vaccinated. New appointments are made quickly, and sometimes you just have to be patient to find an important place.

Here are two free tools that can help you in your online process and make it easy to book an appointment.

Vaccines against Govt-19. // Source: Bexels / Maxim Koncharenok (carved photo)

A warning with Covitlist and White Mango Dose

Numeroma had already dedicated an article to Covitlist, a site designed to control the loss of vaccine doses. Its creator Martin Daniel announced on Twitter and in a press release on June 10 that a new feature has now been integrated into the site.

Thanks to the partnership with the meeting booking site White Ma Dos created by Guilloma Rogier, Covitlist can send alerts to its users. Based on data collected by White Ma Dos, Govtlist provides ” Very simple alarm system », In order to prevent the acquisition of vaccine stocks.

In short, ” Volunteers will be notified by email once a large number of appointments have been received within the limited geographical boundaries, and will no longer be available at Covitlist Partner Centers, but at all vaccination points scanned by White Ma Dose (Doctolip, Maya Collection of Appointments Available, Orthoclik, Celtac,, Aveg Mont). “, Really Explained in the press release.

You can register on the Govtlist and specify your geographical preferences here.

Extension in Firefox

In addition to this alarm system developed by Covitlist and White Ma Dos, you can also use the extension available in Firefox. Questionable extension, this is ” Vaccine »Allows you to make an appointment automatically when you notice that a time slot has been found or included in your selected geographic area. ” To see if places are available, someone does an extension just like updating the Immunity Center pages at the right intervals. Except that it is automated and can work at this time rather than users having to stay up all day in front of their screens to find an appointment. ”, Its creator Govin Tanglas explained to us a few weeks ago.

The extension can be downloaded here.

However, this extension only works on Firefox: if you use Chrome or Safari it may not work. If you do not use Firefox, you must first download the browser before downloading the extension. When done, a small icon will appear at the top right of your screen and you will need to click on it to adjust the settings.

To do this, you must first “click” Find vaccination centers », Then you will be redirected to the doctoral site you want to link to your account. When done, select the vaccine centers closest to you and click the “button” Add to my wishlist “. You have to redo the scale at each center.

After this step, if you click on the extension icon, a list of monitored centers will appear. You only need to check the option ” Automatic book As in the photo below.

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You must make an “automatic booking”. // Source: Number screen shot

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