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17 Years of Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles - A Review - ntower

17 Years of Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles – A Review – ntower

In 2004, a video game shaped me like the others: Final Fantasy: The Crystal Chronicles for the Nintendo GameCube. To this day, this game is considered one of the worst topics in the series by fans, but at the time I had several hours of game time. When the Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles remastered version for the Nintendo Switch was released last year, my heart was pounding again and the revised version is still on my screen. With today’s special, I would like to clarify what impressed me the most about the topic and why you should dare to look, especially with human soldiers. Enjoy!

How it started …

The story that awaits you in Final Fantasy: The Crystal Chronicles did not scatter the earth. The game world is a poisonous fog, hunted by myasma, and various people can only survive by the rope of myrrh. To ensure this survival, selected fighters travel in a caravan across the country. If the whole thing still looks interesting on paper, no real story is found while playing. This quickly leads to monopoly and boredom.

A world full of adventure and danger.

© Square Enix

However, Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles The biggest strength I and my friends had was the multiplayer mode. Up to four players we sat in front of the TV at home and cut our way through the bombers, quals and other known enemies from the ultimate fantasy universe, always looking for new artifacts and equipment to reinforce our own character. However, from today’s perspective, the way to play together is very complicated! Although the Nintendo GameCube supported four controllers, it had to use another side: the Camboy Advance. Thanks to a special connecting cable, it integrated with the Nintendo GameCube and acted as an input device to control the character.

From today’s perspective, such an approach is impractical. One company brought out a game for a home video game console, and gamers needed additional video game consoles to enjoy the title with others. The fact that the Classic Combo Advance is powered by batteries should not be underestimated. For me and my friends, rechargeable batteries are always hanging next to us in the charger so they will be on hand quickly in case of trouble. The stress of the action title started long before the actual game.

But with Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles we return to the content and the best experiences we have. For us, the fun started with creating our own characters. A total of four classes in the game differ only in nuances, but we discussed the possible approach to the game, and as a result got our Selky, Yuk and Lilly team. It was a great combination for us because not only did we like the characters, but their personal strengths in the combat setting were very relevant to each of us. I will never forget my Selky wife’s special attack, which threw a meteorite at the enemy, which was incredibly powerful.

Our good teamwork then continued to level. Our Yuk was in charge of all the attack spells and healing spells, while the other two searched closely or watched the kidnapping. However, the multiplayer feature was taken to the pinnacle with the magic in the game. These can be connected to each other by starting each character and placing the attack fields on top of each other. But good timing is also necessary when releasing buttons, for example, to combine spells and fire with powerful attack spells Sanctus. I still remember very well how loud the three of us counted to complete our time.

On my page to date: The solution to the original.

© Square Enix / ntower

We always had an unavoidable asset: a sports consultant. In order to make the best progress in the game, we raised our money to settle for 14.99 euros. In it we were able to read what artifacts were not found, what were the best weapons and equipment for the respective classes, and where to find everything. As a result, we spent many hours reading this little masterpiece below the last lines so as not to lose anything but the game. We wanted to get everything out of the game.

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Relax, Final Fantasy: The Crystal Chronicles multiplayer component and our minds are stuck only because we created it. As a single player adventure, there are very few that are offered to keep you connected to the screen permanently. Especially if you compare it to the PlayStation Offshoots Final Fantasy IX and X, you can only miss the caravan game on the Nintendo GameCube. Identifying with the characters is never possible due to their impersonation and saving the world.

This is similar to the remade version of Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles released last year. Our circle of friends is reunited, this time thanks to cross-games and online activities in completely different ways. The positive emotions that were there came back and we were able to pass this on to a new generation thanks to our own children. However, we were particularly excited about the promised new content. Especially the promised new dungeons kept us sitting and watching, giving us the first quick run as we wanted to try them out. Unfortunately, these turned out to be modified versions of the original dungeons, which left us very disappointed.

The PlayStation Players received a masterpiece presented with the Final Fantasy VII HD remake, with the semi-baked new version created with Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Remastered, which leaves new players with the impression that it cannot and will fool old players. I do not understand why the whole concept has not been modified a little better to be more interesting to the wider population. Just because a host’s progress is saved on a multiplayer excursion does not mean it is from a player’s point of view. Yes, everyone else is allowed to keep invented objects and artifacts. But if I want to finish “River Belly” level with three friends, we have to play it four times, definitely talking. Added host change with all kinds of new logs and waiting times.

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Great energy is not tapped.

Don’t get me wrong, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Remastered Edition is one of the most played titles on my Nintendo Switch and we still enjoy it as much as we used to. The title is a dream come true, especially if you want to play on some quick lap with your friends or kids. The trial version available for smart devices also contributes to this. Thanks to this, you can play almost all dungeons with a player who bought the title. Still, after all these years of waiting, I was expecting more fan service than Square Enix would eventually deliver. That too is a great example of all the annoyances Test Our dear Niels, who first came in contact with the title on the Nintendo Switch, was able to play in almost single player mode.

Overall, unfortunately these days there is a mixed picture in Final Fantasy: The Crystal Chronicles. This is not only because of the age I got, but also in my view of the big picture. For me the title has always been one of my favorite games, and the new version for the Nintendo Switch delights my heart. Nevertheless, as a Nintendo player, you were punished by the lack of story, unloving characters and complicated multiplayer mode. I wish the redesigned people would have focused more on the strengths of that time and expanded them with new ideas to get more out of the title. Or it could be a test to quickly give us a completely new title from the history of the Crystal Chronicles.