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"Yahoo Answers", the home of the worst questions on the Internet to close its doors after sixteen years

“Yahoo Answers”, the home of the worst questions on the Internet to close its doors after sixteen years

What to do if you are torn by a ridiculous question about a balance or medical issue? The answer is to ask complete opinions of complete strangers on the Internet … For more than fifteen years, there has been a great place for this site, “Yahoo Questions / Answers” (“Yahoo Answers” in its original English version), as the name implies, to ask Internet users questions or Allows you to respond to the answers of others.

But on Tuesday, April 6, Yahoo announced that the platform was living its last days. On May 4, 2021, “Yahoo Answers” will close its doors. “From April 20, you will no longer be able to post new questions and answers, but you will still be able to view content that has already been published. On May 4, the site will be closed, The company announced in a press release. Internet users are encouraged to download their archives to the site.

Finally, on June 30, all data on the site will be permanently deleted. According to Yahoo, the number of its users was in sharp decline, and maintaining the platform was not justified.

Read this too One year later, Yahoo! The groups will close on December 15

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“Yahoo Questions / Answers” is based on a very simple concept. Internet users can ask any question in different types of subjects (politics, cooking, cinema) and vote for the questions of others. Anyone can then answer the questions asked and, again, vote to bring or hide the answers of others.

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Very quickly, the site became very popular, especially as Internet users wanted to make fun of some “funny” questions “Pepperoni Pizza Vegetarian”, “I burned bread in the form of Jesus. Am I going to hell?” Or “How can I disable capital letters on my keyboard?” “. Through its popularity, “Yahoo Question and Answer” has attracted pranksters and comedians from all walks of life, leading to a proliferation of ridiculous questions and answers designed to make people laugh.

But the site also faces moderate issues. In 2018, online media On the edge Found “Yahoo Questions / Answers” as a search tool The results with racist words were invariably announced. Three years later, some searches still make it possible to detect extreme right-wing publications or use racial slurs.

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