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Xbox Game Pass: Call of Duty is not ready to come into Microsoft service |  Xbox One

Xbox Game Pass: Call of Duty is not ready to come into Microsoft service | Xbox One

Since the acquisition of Microsoft Activision Blizzard last January, many rumors have been circulating that the Call of Duty ownership may have entered the Xbox Game Pass.

The wait can be long

Unfortunately, according to Tom Henderson, the signed partnership between PlayStation and Activision about the Call of Duty ownership will last for many more years, thus preventing the arrival of the rights to the green brand service.

Yet according to the American journalist, this popular partnership could be extended to 2025/2026 and is about the next three titles in history: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II, Warson 2 and the future game created by Dreich.

As a reminder, at the time of the acquisition of Activision Blizzard, Bill Spencer promised that existing partnerships between the Xbox, PlayStation and US publisher would be respected. PS4 and PS5 owners are therefore expected to access the beta of the next game in advance and continue to benefit from exclusive content and methods.

So, with rumors that no canonical opus will see the light of day in 2023, Xbox players will have to wait until 2025 and enjoy the next game marketing call of duty created by Sledcommer Games. Start with the Xbox Game Pass.

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Anyway, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II It will land on PCs and consoles on October 28th and will be revealed in more depth on June 8 with a four-minute game video.