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WLAN Speakers: Stiftung Warrantest Considers Five Models "Good"

WLAN Speakers: Stiftung Warrantest Considers Five Models “Good”

WLAN speakers will definitely replace old music systems and speakers. This is the result achieved Stifting Warrant After a comparison of 13 devices of this type.

A good sound was given by eleven WLAN speakers during the test, and the sound of both models was rated “very good”, The foundation is reported in its journal “Test” (Release 4/2021). Overall, five samples were rated “good” and the other eight were rated “satisfactory”.

Anyone who has never handled a WLAN loudspeaker should know above all that devices can do without a traditional remote control. Control runs primarily through an application from the manufacturer you are installing on your smartphone or tablet.

Real stereo sound costs twice as much

Additionally, a WLAN loudspeaker only provides mono sound. Some manufacturers call it internal stereo by installing multiple speakers next to each other, which actually creates a stereo effect. To feel it from a box, you have to stand or sit very close to the front of this box.

The option of combining two separately sold-out boxes of the same model into a stereo pair via the app is very interesting – a feature offered by almost all test manufacturers. This also applies to so-called multroom function, where music can be played in multiple rooms simultaneously without any delay.

Tested loudspeakers are intended to replace stereo systems that, with one exception, should always be plugged into the socket. According to the Stiftung Warrant, anyone looking for a mobile solution while traveling should look for very small and fragile Bluetooth boxes with rechargeable batteries.

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The winner of the test was the relatively cheap Musiccast 20 for 20 520 Sonos Five (Grade 1.7), followed by Powers & Wilkins Formation Flex (Grade 2.2) and 173 Euros (Grade 2.4) from Yamaha for 450 euros. The Harmon Gordon Quote 500 (2.5 each), which was the only box with the Denon Home 250 and voice assistant costing 380 euros, reached a product test rating of “good”.