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With Green Boss, managers need to control customers through an app.  Here's how to download it

With Green Boss, managers need to control customers through an app. Here’s how to download it

I Owners or managers of services and operations require access to the COWIT-19 Green Certificate with obligation Be sure to check the accompanying documents Verification C19 App has been active since the end of June. Verification The C19 app verifies the authenticity of the green certificate and verifies that the holder has the required requirements. It is completely free and downloadable on mobile devices from the Apple Store, Google Play Store and the Hawaii App Gallery. Certificate verification can also take place without an internet connection.

According to a joint statement from the Ministries of Health, Economy, Technology and Innovation, SoCE, the Verification C19 processor can be easily used by anyone to verify the Green Certificate Covit-19 via smartphone to attend parties at Italian civil and religious ceremonies, nursing homes or other facilities. Navigate in and out of areas classified as “red zone” or “orange zone”. Helps to access the following services and functions from today: Indoor dining at the table; Indoor swimming pools, gyms and wellness centers; Sports shows, events and competitions: museums, institutions and cultural venues; Festivals and festivities, conferences and conferences; Spas, theme and amusement parks; Cultural and entertainment centers; Casinos, casinos; Participate in public competitions.

Verification C19 is carried out with the technical support of Soji in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Economy and Finance and the Minister of Technology Innovation and Digital Transformation, Govt-19 Emergency Commissioner. Auditors are required to format the QR code of the Govt-19 green certificate, which can be displayed on paper or digital form, and to ensure validity and identification data. The application is compatible with the European version and reduces the amount of data that can be viewed by the operator to minimize processed information. To protect the privacy of citizens, the personal data of the certificate holder is not stored by the APP on the verifier’s device. Verification of the validity of the Govit-19 Green Certificate for travel to Europe will also be mentioned in future updates of the C19 application.

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Last Updated: Friday 6 August 2021, 21:22

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