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Windows 10: Der neue Microsoft Store kommt jetzt für alle Anwender

Windows 10: The new Microsoft Store is now available to all users

Microsoft has begun releasing a new Microsoft Store for Windows 10 users for Windows 11. Updates for Windows 10 2004, Windows 10 20H2 and Windows 10 21H1 and the current Windows 10 21H2 are installed on the waves via background updates to the built-in application.

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Approximately 40 MB download, upgrade to the same version using Microsoft Store under Built 19041 (“2004”), Built 19042 (“20H2”), Built 19043 (“21H1”) and Built 19044 (“21H2”). Under Windows 11. This means that there is nothing to stop the November update, which, for the first time, should allow free folder selection for installing games under Windows 10. Even under Windows 10, players can benefit from various innovations and do not have to switch to the new Windows 11.

New Microsoft Store: Auto Scrolling

New Microsoft Store: Gaming PDP

New Microsoft Store: Gaming PDP

New Microsoft Store: Evaluation and Review

New Microsoft Store: Evaluation and Review

In addition to the new design called Gaming PDP (“Product Description Page”), Microsoft’s new access to the ecosystem features a new review and rating dialog that draws attention to automated scrolling and on board.

Starting today, the new Microsoft Store will be available for Windows 10 PCs. Users of Windows 10 PCs running Windows 10, version 2004 or later will be offered this experience step by step later this year.

It comes with an automatic store playback update – no action required with Windows Update.


Lockstep for Windows 10 and 11 in the future

The new Microsoft Store will be released on all computers from Windows 10 Build 19041 by the end of this year, and will provide a series of updates that will then be synced with Windows 11.

Additionally, Microsoft has a VP9 video extension for playing with the free codec VP9 Videos encrypted under Windows 10 and 11 have been upgraded to version

Microsoft has added more information about the new Microsoft Store in its official version Windows Blog And support site Microsoft Technical Documentation In short.

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