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Will this include the role of Japan Studio?  -

Will this include the role of Japan Studio? –

Sony XDEV Europe Part of his name seems to have been “lost”. The group, known for collaborating with third-party works such as Return (Housemark) and Detroit: Bigam Human (Quantum Dream), now appears as the Sony XTV. There are also a series of references that indicate that the study is more and more International.

It is true that the official website of Sony XTV has not changed (but it has not been explicitly updated because it does not even mention Sockboy: A Great Adventure, the latest title he collaborated on), to make it possible to see that Sony XTV is not only considered “European” on the site. Also, it is written that Sony XTEV “collaborates with ambitious outdoor teams WorldwideIn addition, some employees are listed on LinkedIn as “Global External Producer”.

It is one of the latest games to be collaborated with Sony XDEV
It is one of the latest games to be collaborated with Sony XDEV

In short, it seems that Sony XDEV is ready to expand its sphere of influence. We remember that too Japan Studio . Sony is openly redesigning its internal structure, with the aim of focusing on certain functions. So can Sony XDEV Europe also be responsible for Japanese developers now?

Hopefully Sony Post an official communication about the situation as soon as possible to shed light on the situation. However, we know that Sony will invest heavily in first-party development for the PS5.

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