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Will the GTA trilogy be redesigned soon on consoles, switches and PCs?  - News

Will the GTA trilogy be redesigned soon on consoles, switches and PCs? – News

Shed explains that Rockstar Dundee, who was recently added to the label’s studios, will work hard on the project to achieve the technological advancement worthy of the name while waiting for confirmation or denial from the person concerned. We inevitably tick a little when reading that these three games go through the Unreal Engine Mill to deliver a mix of graphics.Old and new“, Less so when the sources say that the headlines will try to be as true as possible to the GTAs of the period Sports, With some cosmetic touches on the interface.

However, the company has experienced some ups and downs in the last few months, apparently due to the epidemic, and plans may see some changes until official announcement comes. It was also planned that titles could be provided as a bonus filler for GTA 5 and newer generation ports, according to Kodak. GTA Online, Before the situation develops, is expected on November 11th.

We will now launch in late October or early November, with ports for both PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X / S, Switch, PC and both Stadia and smartphones. The games mentioned above, but with the twentieth anniversary of GTA III, the chapter that changed the series to another dimension – in every sense of the word. Keep in mind that PC and smartphone ports may be delayed until 2022, making sure to release them on consoles by the end of the year. Kotaku’s sources also talk about a compiled download release rather than a separate sale.

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The success of these remasters depends on the future of other ports, with the first red dead recovery in the scenes, we can read. It will also gather evidence to confirm the release of the trilogy in the coming months and explain the slowdown in the rate of updates. Red Dead Online.