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WhatsApp, used for communication "stories": news

WhatsApp, used for communication “stories”: news

If it made social media successful on Instagram, the “stories” on WhatsApp would never really have caught on. It is for this reason that the world’s most popular news app has decided to use this section to send service information to its community. From today, with WhatsApp has published some stories about the terms and conditions of using privacy.

WhatsApp, “Stories” used for communication: Content

Keep in mind the many criticisms and confusions that have been raised From a recent announcement, Which users did not like, because, in fact, it forced them to accept the new rules of data under the penalty of exclusion from service, the Facebook group company began to pay more attention to communications about the confidentiality of its customers. .

Now as part of the above chat, by clicking on the WhatsApp icon dedicated to updating the subscriber status, official announcements will appear from the Facebook group About Instagram-related news and its functionality through the design inspired by Instagram’s “stories”.

To make the notice identifiable to the company, in addition to the site name and logo, next to it There will be a green test to confirm the reliability of the information And to avoid confusion of profile or spread of communications from fake accounts.

WhatsApp, “Stories” used for communication: Strategy

Will this layer be enough to convince its users to accept the new terms of use in data processing? The warning that appeared in early January is certainly very aggressive, but the point is always the same.

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“One thing will not change: our commitment to protect your privacy. WhatsApp cannot read or listen to your private conversations because they are protected by end-to-end encryptionThe news app reads one of the published stories.

If users do not agree to the data transfer to the Facebook group, the notice of service interruption, originally set for February 8, has now been changed to May 15, causing a stir among members Millions flocked to the telegram and signal.

A controversial move in Italy has attracted attention Privacy Guarantee. The Italian authority to protect personal data is, in fact, a document addressed to colleagues in other EU countries. This question was raised by the ATP, a group of privacy officials in Europe.