What a board! Nintendo’s “Metro Tread” is a must!
From Mickey Hayman
Leipzig – Samos Aaron is back – how! Finally hit the new episode of Nintendo’s space icon with “Metro Tread” Click Not to mention one more: this revenue is a masterpiece!
EMMIs are really spy robots that should be on your side. Events in the ZDR apparently made them reconsider. Nintendo / Mercury Steam
At the beginning of the millennium, “Metro” games were an integral part of the Nintendo review. “Metroid Fusion” is the fourth installment about the heroine Samos Aaron 19 years ago. This is followed by the equally fantastic “Prime” trilogy, followed by some newer versions.
Fans had to wait in vain for part five – until now! In preparation for the fourth “Prime” episode, the Japanese and Mercurystein together tinkered “Fear.”
The goal is to get back to 2 -D roots – including all the strengths! Because the new look of Sams Aaron is a great example of the type of Metroitvania.
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With so many different, widely angled areas, well-hidden collection items and a constant sense of progress it is very difficult to put the switch down even for a second.
Historically, the whole thing starts with “fusion”. The “X” parasite must actually be destroyed. But ZDR shows a picture of the unknown origin of the planet: some of them are flying around! Samus packs his bags to finally eradicate the plague. You can certainly imagine that this will not be easy.
In particular the Galactic Confederation has come up with some extraplanetary mobile multiform identifiers to go to work – EMMI. Unfortunately, tough robots are no longer friendly to you when it comes to you. So Samos has to deal not only with the loads of “X” and native creatures, but also almost indestructible machines.
The Metro Tread is everything the series players have heard
The “melee counter” is definitely on the back board. Press the “X” at the right time to prevent enemy attacks. Nintendo / Mercury Steam
Disputes with EMMI are a key component of the “Dread”. In well-designed rooms, you can only escape during the early battles. Only over time will each robot have a specialized staff.
For this, the priority is to look for a vast map. Little by little, Samus regains his lost skills. Anyone familiar with the “meroid” games can immediately use the words “grapple beam”, “space jump” and “morph ball”.
But even beginners need not fear: the game illustrates every skill in an attractive way. Although the learning curve is very high, the controls work well, especially in many boss fights.
Each time the challenge is chosen so precisely, the chance for frustration does not arise first. This is also the case when exploring: in most cases, the game will not show you the next goal. Your newly acquired skills and nearby telecommunications will almost automatically show you the way. So you don’t have a hand-picked feeling. But you are not lost in ZDR.
In short, all these components combine well in ten hours of game time, knocking one of the developers to a particularly successful place. Very Strong – Definitely the Game of the Year for Switch!
The end of the Metroid fear
The boss is the type of fights and an absolute highlight. Some deputies will turn off the lights at one time or another until you get behind their weak point. Nintendo / Mercury Steam
The combination of Nintendo and MercurySteam in Switch is amazing! “Metroid Tread” is a perfectly worthy sequel to the apparent dust-free series about space heroine Sam Aaron.
The Mysterious World is well known for all the features inspired by its map but by no means does every switch home belong as a result of the bad Madras game.
Disputes with EMMI and sometimes exaggerated employers clearly show what is fundamentally possible with the switch.
In addition to all the high-priced restorators this year, the Japanese were able to convince their fans that they were hungry for new sports food.
The perfect product for a community-anticipated game: “Metro Prime 4” may come!
Titelphoto: Nintendo / Mercury Steam
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