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Weather - Download Temporals for the next few hours in Italy, here

Weather – Download Temporals for the next few hours in Italy, here

Good weather so far in Italy

Clear distribution of the high pressure field within the basin Mediterranean Central and inside Italy Now the conditions have been determined Weather Stability is considerably everywhere, often in sunny or slightly cloudy skies. However, there is a high cloud density in some of the northern regions where there is no unstable draft, however, which was able to bring definitive effects on the level of rainfall. However, this is after a week Bad weather Sometimes with damage and inconvenience.

Average or higher temperature

In a meteorological environment described in this way, the temperature is above average or completely above summer values, especially in the central-southern regions. The anticyclonic hour of the matrix African It operates in the central-southern sectors of the Initiation and in a part of the North. However, in the northwest, cloudy weather is becoming more and more even, and as we will see, this will prevent the arrival of a catastrophe in the evening.

Rain and storm are coming

Lightweight cable that naturally annoys Atlantica It will go quickly in Central European countries in the next few hours and cause some disruption Bad weather Even in the northern parts of our peninsula. So this evolution will ensure worsening in the evening, starting from the northwest fields of the startup Major computer centers, As we will see in the next column, in the next shift towards the east.

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