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Warframe Timos: Arcana Out Now on PS5, PS4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch

Warframe Timos: Arcana Out Now on PS5, PS4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch

Sports company Digital Extremes will be expanding Warframe’s Heart of Timos open world expansion today with Timos: Arcana for free.

Timos: Argana is a new update that adds new content to the PlayStation 5, PS4, Xbox One and Ponvito’s powerful mech on the Nintendo Switch. There will be a lot of additions and improvements to this new update, which will allow players to go straight into the cross-drama partnership on the PS5 and PS4 or the Xbox One and Nintendo Switch. New Vault Pounds and underground levels have been added for battles with new enemies. There are a lot of new activities to enjoy fishing, conversations and more.

By appeasing Menvido’s incomparable outrage by handling a sword-mounted shield, players can throw enemies into the air. Thano-Tech also carries a deadly infectious rocket missile (“Morca”), which brings the most brutal fun and terrifying experiment in the Campion Gliding Terrain.

Get a new assortment of weapons, materials and special warframes to face new enemies (i.e., shoot, duplicates!) Like Mitocyte. Tenno can arm himself with a victim, bile-loaded catapult pistol, Proboscis Cernos Po, Pulmonars Nunzaku, the devastating Bubonico Arm Cannon, Arkansas, Auctions and more. They can collect the beautiful glassy Cara Deluxe collection (which includes Cara Galita Skin, Starclase Shorts, Glister Ciandana and Refrox Longsword Skin), stand and earn at Grandma’s Remedy Workshop, and pick up new infectious K-Drive skins.

Strengthens the player’s desire to explore the active terrain of the Campion slide, we have created four deep new underground levels. Combined with vault bounties and hunting and defense offerings (including nexiferia such as diabetic undasova and thomp, and new fish species such as the parasitic flagellacanth and three-tailed lobotriskit), players offer greater depth and variety in their open world travels.

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See also

Warframe is now available on PlayStation 5, PS4, PC and Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and soon the Xbox Series X.

Source: News Release