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Video & Info on Pokemon GO Safari Zone from Liverpool • Nintendo Connect

Video & Info on Pokemon GO Safari Zone from Liverpool • Nintendo Connect

We definitely miss going to live events and playing with others Pokemon GO Go on a great discovery tour. However, Niantic has made every effort to capture the safari zone events originally planned for 2020. So invented Pokemon GO-Safari Zone in Liverpool Now from Friday, October 15, 2021 to Sunday, October 17, 2021 at Sefton Park (we reported).

Pokemon GO
Pokemon GO

Pokemon GO
Pokemon GO

According to the latest post Pokemon GO-Blog Last weekend Pokemon Go Safari ZoneEvent in Liverpool – The first big real Pokemon GO event in late 2019! Between the coaches who came face to face at Sefton Park and those who enjoyed the event from a distance, the participants walked 372,000 km and caught 5.93 million Pokemon.

At Sefton Park, trainers were able to experience Liverpool’s beautiful landscape and breathtaking waters – the perfect backdrop for a safari zone event with sea and water related topics – and one can meet Lamby, Relicant and Icognito E, I, L, O, P, R and V.

Iant Niantic – 15.10.2021 UK, Liverpool – Pokemon GO – Safari Zone Liverpool

For the first time at a safari zone event, attend a large inflatable relaxo celebration and provided a fun opportunity to reminisce about the event. Picasso and Evie also met and greeted their friends and fans! Participants were able to purchase an exclusive Safari Zone T-shirt. In addition, some lucky coaches put their hands on Professor Willow’s trade card!

Safari Zone Liverpool We have come a long way since it was first announced in 2020, meanwhile we appreciate all of you for your patience and understanding. Thank you for your participation – in person or remotely. Our events are special because you make them special!

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