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Very low volume and distribution issues from general practitioners: Berlin's vaccination campaign is slow - two vaccination centers temporarily closed - Berlin

Very low volume and distribution issues from general practitioners: Berlin’s vaccination campaign is slow – two vaccination centers temporarily closed – Berlin

Mixed vaccine availability on the first day after the Easter holiday in Berlin: Although vaccination is possible in general practitioners’ practices from Tuesday, the vaccination centers in Messi Berlin and Arena Berlin had to impose a short vaccination stop at 2 p.m. In the afternoon because the Biotech vaccine was not given.

According to the Health Administration, a vaccine shipment to Berlin was delayed “due to technical problems”. In the afternoon, the health administration announced that the missing delivery had arrived in Berlin and contained 81,000 cans. Tuesday’s appointments have been postponed to the next day.
There is a high demand for vaccines, including the Unstroenega vaccine. Since the vaccine is suspected to promote cerebral nerve thrombosis in young people, AstraZeneca is currently only approved for people 60 years of age and older.

So this is not a slow marketer: at the Templehof Vaccine Center, available vaccination dates have been extended to April 18 due to the high demand for vaccinating 60- to 70-year-olds with AstraZeneca. You can access the Vaccine Hotline at 030 9028 2200 to register appointments, no calls are required.
The vaccine campaign aims to accelerate vaccination in the practices of general practitioners. This should be made possible for all Berlin family physicians from Tuesday, after the completion of 100 procedures to vaccinate Govit-19 as part of a sample test from the beginning of March.

But there is uncertainty in many practices in the morning, as Togespigel discovered. It is not known when or how much the vaccine will be given. For example, Robert A. in Schillerbromonade in Newcole. In Holzer’s practice, according to a physician’s assistant, no one knows how many vaccines will be available in the next few days – 20 to 30 is expected.

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Practice vaccination appointments are quick, and phones have been ringing consistently since last week. But they do not want to start vaccinating until next week, and the uncertainty about the dose of the vaccine is still too high to make appointments. Phones were running hot at other Berlin practices, with some already withdrawing appointments due to uncertainty, while others were lucky enough to give them away from Thursday.

Wolfgang Kreiser, president of the Berlin General Coaches’ Association, on Tuesday criticized the slow release of the vaccine and the lack of information on the procedures involved: “It’s confusing, a complete failure of politics.” Politicians have learned nothing from the waves of infection and now family doctors have to pay for it.