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Vanguard Criticizes Game After Streamer Shroud Beta Test -

Vanguard Criticizes Game After Streamer Shroud Beta Test –

Call of Duty: Vanguard Going through its new beta phase, this system is still open to the public, but the new episode of the popular Activision series is being obtained with a certain coolness by some official voices in the field. Streamer Michael “Shroud” Krschick, Revealed various Doubts and criticisms In a test carried out by beta.

Schroeder is considered an expert in the series, so his ratings should be considered: Streamer said he has tried and discovered the beta thoroughly. Very “raw”.

Call of Duty: Vanguard is in beta these days
Call of Duty: Vanguard is in beta these days

This should obviously be taken into account when talking about the beta, which is obviously not a solid version of the game, but given the context, the game is not very refined according to the character in question.

One of the features that drew Shruti’s greatest criticismAudio, It seems almost “non-existent” or not very serious in any case, even in technical aspects that are especially useful in a competitive multiplayer game.

However, it’s not just this problem, it seems: “It’s very crude,” he said, “I mean, it’s a beta, that’s right, but heck it looks like it’s not very polished.” When asked for further explanations, Short continued to comment on Call of Duty: Vanguard: “No audio. The feeling of shooting It’s not very effective, the hitmakers give the same weak feel and sounds, there are sparks in the air everywhere, it’s like firing bullets. “

In general, therefore, Shirot’s verdict does not appear to be positive. However, he also feels that it is one Beta And all of these issues can be resolved in the final version, but when the game’s release is set for November 5th, it is believed that the beta version is very early and far from the final version.

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For the rest, we looked at when the Call of Duty: Vanguard beta would end and access for players banned in Warsaw would be closed.