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Vaccination with Astrogeneka: Vaccination appointment of half the population - Politics

Vaccination with AstraZeneca: Half the people did not attend the vaccination appointment – Politics

Charlendz Health Minister Monica Bachmann has criticized the vaccine from the manufacturer AstraZeneca for being defective. Over the weekend, 54 percent of the 200 people registered for the vaccine did not show a “special vaccine in the medical field” without canceling the appointment.

The CDU politician said that the vaccine is only 70 percent effective and that it is related.

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“I would like to say that this is not a demand concert. All vaccines are approved and good, ”the minister said. If half of those enrolled for the vaccine do not show it, it is “no match”.

However, left-wing group leader Oscar Lafontaine said he “could at least understand that some people have concerns.” Bachmann stressed that the recommendation that patients over the age of 65 should not be vaccinated with the estrogen vaccine was only due to a large enough database.

According to the minister, there are relevant reports from all the central states. That is why he put the topic on the agenda of the next Health Minister Conference. (dpa)

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