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Utube Vervanteld Xbox Series X on Nintendo DS

Utube Vervanteld Xbox Series X on Nintendo DS

The Xbox Series X also runs on the Nintendo DS.The Xbox Series X also runs on the Nintendo DS.

The Xbox Series X looks great on a large 4K screen, but also runs on a very small display – YouTube has now been proven with the Nintendo DS.

The next gen consoles from Microsoft and Sony are actually designed to play the latest games with high-resolution graphics and smooth frame rate. But still Perfect adapter and a little ingenuity You can also run the Xbox Series X on the Nintendo DS – even though the magnifying glass is useful for display.

Xbox Series X: The Rocket League also runs on the Nintendo DS

The YouTube-Canal The Retro Future Tried one Xbox Series X to connect with Nintendo DS, Captured on video. The most important building block for the effort? An obscure TV tuner was launched in Japan in 2004 by the Nintendo DS

In video demonstration, this is possible with the help of this device Screen replacement Nintendo DS Reconnect and reconnect the Xbox Series X with the AV-HTML Adapter. Although it glows a little, the frame rate is not completely convincing to anyone: Rocket League runs this way via Xbox Series X on the Nintendo DS.

With or without the Nintendo DS – with the Xbox Game Pass you can access a large game library:

Click here for the Xbox Game Pass on Amazon!

Next gen fusion: Let’s run PS5 on Game Boy

In another video, The Retro Future has already taken a closer look at the PlayStation 5 – she A combo was brought in to work on the micro. So the Xbox Series X. Not only the next gen consoleIt integrates wonderfully with older hardware.

See also  Nintendo is burying the Wii U and 3DS, there will be no more new games in their eShop

Fortunately, whether you want to run your next gen consoles on TV is still yours.

In our video we show you 13 gaming masterpieces you need to play once:

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