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Update with PS5 features and new download milestone

Update with PS5 features and new download milestone

PlayStation Application: Update with PS5 features and new download milestone

The official PlayStation app has received a new update that adds new features, including the ability to compare files with friends. Additionally, after the update, you can accept game calls for multiplayer sessions on the PS5 using the app.

Changelog for the new PlayStation app update

  • Sort and filter PS Store lists to find exactly what you are looking for.
  • Compare trophies with friends.
  • Manage your PS5 storage at any time through Settings.
  • Attend multiplayer sessions from game calls on the PS5.
  • Share pictures, text and URLs from other apps with friends in the PS app.
  • Enable or disable party notifications.
  • This update also includes bug fixes and performance improvements.

One of the features mentioned is memory management, which can be used to remotely delete games and other content on the PS5. Your console must be in sleep mode for this feature to work. The application issues a related alert.

Deleting a game from the internal SSD on your PS5 or external USB drive is very straightforward. All you have to do is make sure your console is connected to the app. For this purpose you need to log in to your BSN account and follow other settings.

To connect the primary PS4 or PS5 console, open the PlayStation app and select Settings> Application Connection Console.
Here is an overview of the consoles attached to your BSN account. You choose your primary setting.

A new page opens with a memory overview that shows all the games you have stored on your PS5 or external hard drive. You can now choose what you want to delete.

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100 million downloads from Google Play

The PlayStation App may celebrate a major milestone this week. He was alone more than 100 million times Google Games Downloaded.

The range of features is interesting. The PlayStation app tells you which friend is currently active on BSN and which new games are being purchased for the PlayStation 4 and PS5. You can also monitor your file collection, use remote play and interact with other players. More details about the PlayStation app Can be found here.

More news PlayStation-App.

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