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Type II - Here are the calendars.  Download APP and PDF

Type II – Here are the calendars. Download APP and PDF

We have finished loading all the calendars of groups A, B and C of the second type.

Now you can consult them directly at Settecalcio and download the PDF with the full program of the whole season, but most of all you can Download our APP: it is called ITALIAGOL, then select

Second – Group A.

Second – Round b

Second – Round c

Search Use of Italianogol

Apple – iPhone

Playstore – Android

The use of the first team on a regional basis dedicated to Italian amateur football is Italianogol. Once you have selected the region, apparently in your case, you can follow the universe of local Umbrian football.

Settecalcio Absolutely Umbrian site, he is always at your disposal, Director Stefano Pagliani is a well known and experienced journalist, by downloading our application you support our Ambria 100% product for our beloved amateur football.

Once registered you can Insert the roses, Racing results in both real time and final Also see daily results, rankings and more news created by the editorial staff.

You can enter a league as an option Send you notifications regarding any change in results (by clicking on the star, which should turn blue


Once you have downloaded the application with the Italian national team shield as an icon, all the sites on the Italiancol Network will appear and click on the area of ​​your ability (Settecalcio).
– Register with your email + password or Facebook
– All leagues will appear and click on the one you like
– Click the star of the selected league which should turn blue (Preferred league)
– All races of the current day will appear
You can report any identification from your team or opposing team during the match.
– Click on the end of the report
– + Click to add network
– Click the end of the section
Enough if you do not want to report the marker. Or
– Click on the word score (if you load the team, all team members will be there)
– Click OK
– Click on the confirmation marker
– Click the wheel on the top right wheel (update)
Go back to one page and you will get the status of your championship in real time!
Upload the team directly from the site or send it to the email address [email protected] (specify surname, first name, date of birth and share for each player), scores can also be added

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Below is a video tutorial created by our colleagues from, the site of Settecalcio, part of the Italicol Network. Replace the mummies with Umbria (Cetcalcio), that’s all.