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Trump has 16x more app downloads than Python, but 6x less social engagement

Trump has 16x more app downloads than Python, but 6x less social engagement

Donald Trump’s mobile app has more downloads than Democrat challenger Joe Biden. However, Biden enjoys excellent social involvement.

According to the latest data from the mobile analysis company App Annie, The Official Trump 2020 application Has over two million downloads so far Vote Joe There are only 120,000 installations in use. This is not an Apple-to-Apple comparison, as Trump’s use – despite the “2020” part of the name – has been in app stores since 2016. On the other hand, its biggest upsurge came in July 2020, for App Annie.

On social media, the script is flipped.

Donald Trump has nearly 8x Twitter followers like Joe Biden, with 87 million, and Biden’s 11.6 million Twitter followers have an engagement rate of 56% more than last month, according to Blackcott’s Social Great. Trump supporters have an engagement rate of less than 10% over the same period.

“Despite being a quarter of President Trump’s total followers, Joe Biden is the most influential on Twitter,” he says. Blockchain CEO Kpenga Chokbaik. “Because his posts record a relatively high engagement rate, high positive audience sentiment and excellent original-shared post rate.”

I had no idea I would buy it.

Being president gets a huge amount of engagement to Trump’s tweets: likes and dislikes from fans and commentary from political opponents. One thing that could affect the statistics is that Trump tends to tweet more often than Pitton, which can dilute engagement numbers based on one tweet.

Another big difference:

Pitton has an original post of 18: 1 for the retweet ratio, while Trump retweets. In addition, Biden has an 8% higher positive reaction rate, Blackcott says.

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On the mobile app page, App Annie says that no app is particularly enjoyable. The best apps get the most installations, says App Annie: “Even with the first 200 apps, two million downloads is a lot less.

In fact, mobile is less commonly used by both candidates, the company says, and Americans typically spend an average of 3.1 hours a day on their mobile devices.

Again, who wouldn’t love a mobile game other than downloading a political app?