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Travel to France for the Holidays: Traditions Update (...)

Travel to France for the Holidays: Traditions Update (…)

It is important to remember that non-essential trips are not recommended by Canada due to health reasons. Travel should be limited to slow the progression of the infection.

Please note, the situation is volatile and the new rules quickly establish, we invite you to check for any changes in the system, especially by following the consulate on social networks: Facebook And Twitter.

Returned to France from Canada

Entry into a metropolitan area from a country in the Green Zone (such as Canada) is not subject to any restrictions.

From December 4, 2021, anyone entering France will have to submit a negative PCR or antigen test of less than 48 hours, whether you have been vaccinated or not. Children under the age of twelve are exempt from the test.


You must submit a pledge statement confirming the absence of symptoms of Govit-19 infection and contact with a confirmed Govt-19 patient, and you agree that the Govt test can be performed as soon as you arrive. This certificate can be downloaded from the website of the Ministry of Home Affairs. You can download this certificate Website of the Ministry of the Interior.

Be careful, before reaching France, if you are traveling through a third country – albeit a very short one – you must comply with the rules specific to that country. Check with the relevant state authorities regarding the correct conditions for traveling in transport.

French Health Boss

Health permits are required in France to travel within the country (rail, air) and to access a large number of activities (restaurants, concerts, museums, etc.) for people 12 years of age and older.

This health pass has the following three digital presentations (via the TousAntiCovid application) or paper, health proof:

- Implementing a complete vaccination schedule

- PCR or antigen testing less than 24 hours before event

- Positive RT-PCR or antigen test results confirm recovery from Covit-19, at least 11 days and less than 6 months

An equivalent system has been set up to obtain a valid QR code in French territory for immunizations to be approved in their French Health Pass:

French people living in Canada and their dependents (married or civil partnership, children) traveling to France must make the request online,
By following this link.

This article details about the French Health Pass and the 3rd dose.

Return to Canada from France

Before boarding a flight to Canada, all passengers aged five and over must submit a negative laboratory PCR decision to the airline carrier. The test must be completed within 72 hours of departure for Canada.

In addition, all travelers must provide their information before boarding the Canadian application ArriveCan.

Finally, the Govt detection test may be conducted by Canadian authorities. It is necessary to remain isolated until the results of this test are available.

Children who have not been vaccinated or partially vaccinated under the age of 12 are subject to certain rules when returning from abroad. In particular, they should not go to school or daycare for the following 14 days.

For more information about entering Canada, see Canadian government site.

At present, there are no restrictions on temporary residents entering Canada. As a precaution, due to the variability of the rules, we recommend traveling with a file proving your familiar residence in Canada: copies of your employment contract, your residential lease, your electricity bill, etc.

For any further information, feel free to check out our special COVID FAQs.