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For novices, raids can be technical with their bunch of mechanics, but then they are the real deal. The world of Raid games is a rare gem, but Destiny 2 Raids carries a lot of extraordinaire. Players are tasked to go on a mission with a mutual objective of taking a raid, obtaining the loot and conquering the ultimate villain.  

In this article, we will be covering a few of the Destiny 2 raids that you are missing out on.

  • Vow of the Disciple

Together with Witch Queen, the Vow of the Disciple raid was premiered in the first quarter of 2022. In this epic raid release, players are tasked to accomplish four missions. The game mechanics are tough but with excellent visuals. Players are provided with firearms hewing with top alternative looting splurge.

VOTD raid introduces fresh trials and mysteries to the Destiny 2 world. VOTD raid is not the most fascinating part of the game, but then its encounters are considerably intriguing. The game put you in a position of dilemma which you’re expected to solve for survival. The game has lots of fascinating features to look out for not to talk of the massive firearms and ammunition you’ll gain while you’re on the run.

If you’re a fan of destiny raids, Vow of the Disciple will set your pace on fire while trying to reveal mysteries, buried torsos, and plowing over folklore. The introduction of VOTD has shaped the entire look of Destiny 2 Raids, altering enormous shards in the raid domain. As you progress, you’ll need to battle with tougher villains to find your way through the tunnel. Our descriptions here are limited as compared to the real in-game actions.

  • Vault of Glass

As debuted from Destiny 1, Vault of Glass was initially introduced in late 2016 whereas its revised Destiny 2 sort was on the loose five years later. We see massive improvements in this latest release including some most wanted arms. 

The overall look of the game has received a great boost as compared to its older version. Players will have to find their way through five different missions with a jumble across the third and fourth missions.

The Vault of Glass mechanics is candid with a lone vestige known as the Aegis used as scrubs for debuffs and eliminating superiors’ defenses. The major raid is to execute vigorously and sleeve foes as well as smaller villains.

The game graphics are top-notch. Particularly at The Magnificent Glass Throne stage which gives a feeling of traveling outside earth, you sure don’t want to miss out on it.

The raid experience is notable with some unforgettable scenes recorded in its older release. The Master mode loot is something worth mentioning, the enhanced firearm status gives it a different look. There is an add-on to the collection of weapons you don’t want to sleep on.

  • Deep Stone Crypt

The Deep Stone Crypt in Destiny 2 is a great addition to the world of raids. Players are tasked to get over four different missions with meek mechanics for every player level.

It has objectively direct mechanics which has merely three work partakers with other troops on an anti-dumping responsibility.

With a marvelous graphic, you’re sure to have a fun yet colorful experience. The visuals are neat and advanced, and the mission 2 and 3 puzzling encounters are something you don’t want to miss.

The Deep Stone Crypt raid is exceptional. You’ll bump into a wild encounter at stage 3 but an amusing one indeed.

Deep Stone Loot is muchly deplorable, with unique arms that are in much demand till now. You’ll have to be steadfast to make a successful loot in a raid. There is an introduction of Loots of Defeat and a final torso that can be used to acquire special firearms and shields for diverse moves.

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In general, Destiny 2 Raids have a lot of happenings that will keep you stuck to your console for elongated hours. However, the adventure of pounding a mission and obtaining a loot successfully is what makes it a fun experience. The list of Great Destiny 2 raids is endless and progressive; however, you can jump on the latest happenings from the most visited Destiny 2 community.