I Free games They are always good news and in the summer, when you get a little more time than usual, they are even more so. Up to SpazioGamesAs you may have noticed, we always let you know about both free games, updates and the possibility of games included in subscriptions. Play for free Some topics for the time being: This is also the subject of the game we want to report today.
Everyone who has been following for some time knows SteamIn fact, the list of digital games from Valve often offers Free weekendI mean, it allows you Free access For specific games – without limits to the progress you can make – for specific calendar days, weekends in this case.
So, if we had informed you a few hours ago A free game You can retrieve and keep it permanently with you in your steam library (but hurry up: you have until August 1), we let you know today You can play for free on all weekends Better management Two point hospital. With a lot of content Sonic theme.
Why, you wonder? Well why not, because both releases are under the Sega label?

Sports is a disrespectful administration that asks you to build and manage your hospital, while at the same time taking care of the staff: you have to set up offices, exam rooms, put the best doctors in their clinics, manage any patient emergencies and face any health urgency.
Interesting page From Two point hospital, We both said In PC review Than Adaptation Study on the Nintendo Switch, All of this is really there No and do not want to be completely realistic: The game is a pervasive Climax Ilare The exams in it are fun and gruesome, between people who deal with mysterious signs between frying pans and rooms where things you don’t want to say much happen.
Once you play all weekend, if you really decide, you do not want to leave your hospital and buy Two point hospital To keep it with you for a free weekend, you can use one 75% discount In the invoice, your library adds € 8.74 instead of € 34.99.
But these are the things you will see next: For now, enjoy the weekends for free and enjoy good luck in your hospital.
Speaking of Steam, these hours the Steam deck continues to talk about the portable “console” which is actually a PC and you can play from the end of the year Two point hospitalIn an interview, Valve explained that, in fact, they see a future that other manufacturers can create More repetitions of this site, Which can become a constant in the gaming world.
However, before all this can happen, the steam deck must come out: we told you about it All specifications in an in-depth analysis, Prices and Site Details. For this, you can also install Windows and take advantage of the free games on the Xbox Game Pass or Epic Games Store, and learn more about why the new engine-signed Steam is in the video game hub this summer. Lovers.
If you want to arm yourself with a computer to use free games on Steam, take a look For this great discount offer on Amazon.
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