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This plant can not be found if we want colorful flowers throughout the summer

This plant can not be found if we want colorful flowers throughout the summer

Its colorful and elegant flowers simultaneously bring refinement and sympathy. The plant that the editorial board wants to propose today is highly appreciated not only for its beautiful appearance but also for its easy cultivation.

We often talked about beautiful plants that do not require special care. In fact, ProiezionidiBorsa’s home and garden columns are full of flowers, plants and shrubs that do not require extraordinary maintenance, but in a short period of time decorate and uniqueize the “green” space of each home. In addition, there is no shortage of secrets and advice collected from the best nurseries.


In this regard, both of these readings are recommended:
a) “There is no geranium with yellow leaves and withered flowers with these very simple tricks”.

b) “They would never say it, but it’s the first thing to have instantly strong, healthy and colorful geraniums.”

This plant can not be found if we want colorful flowers throughout the summer

We are talking about someone who is a perennial plant that gives long and abundant flowers. The plant in question Family Asteraceae and many other species are found. From large to dwarf.

Achillea is highly recommended for everyone who wants to decorate their garden, balcony or terrace in a short time with amazing results.
In fact, this particular vegetable does not require special attention, it requires little water and is suitable for clay soils.

Cutting withered flowers is the only step, and you should not forget the abundant flowers and more vibrant colors. In addition, as the days go by the hue of the pet changes, giving it some subdued, new shade to the plant.

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3 good reasons

When grown near fruit trees, the plant contributes to the growth of fruits, as their roots are rich in magnesium, making them of high quality.

The flowers attract many pollinators, including colorful butterflies.

Finally, someone may have a natural floor covering. This will be enough to grow the flowers in our garden without expanding. Therefore, this plant can not be found if we want colorful flowers throughout the summer.