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La galaxie spirale M74 vue par le télescope spatial James-Webb. Image traitée par Judy Schmidt. © Nasa, STsCI, Judy Schmidt

This new film by James-Webb is thrilling!

A week ago, humanity discovered everything and was surprised James-Webb’s first films, the beginning of his great scientific adventure. After a few days, it was once again Thursday should be his goal.

A new cosmic object is, to say the least, well-known Astronomers Amateurs are noticed by the mighty Telescope : M74 A.K.A Messier 74, also known as the Ghost Galaxy, and NGC 628.

A mirror galaxy

The M74 is a marvel spiral galaxy Reminiscent of ours, The milky way, due to its shape and dimensions (about 95,000 light-years in diameter) it is about 30 million light-years from Earth. Viewed in its entirety from above, it is regularly visited by the largest professional telescopes and researchers eager to learn more about what is happening inside and how it is changing.

Image produced by cameras James Webb (Above) Again stunning in the detail it gives us to see the central part of this 100 billion solar mass galaxy. Looks like an example Cyclone Mental illness…

This composite photo brings together Hubble and ALMA observations.  © NRAO, AUI, NSF, B. Saxton: Alma (ESO/NAOJ/NRAO);  NASA Hubble

In fact, we find the empty galaxy, a giant tornado gas and the dust, density pockets and cavities that make up “its skeleton”. matter It seems to have been chased and swept away. It’s fascinating to discover the foundations of a galaxy comparable to ours, with such a penetrating view of its massive matrices.Stars There the next generation is being prepared. We’ve never seen so much behind the scenes. Long live the sequel.