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This free tool removes unwanted elements from any image

This free tool removes unwanted elements from any image

In an image, sometimes there are certain elements that we want to disappear. It can be a person in the background, inappropriate text or an object. To get rid of them, many professionals resort to software like Photoshop. However, it is necessary to master its features and gain some knowledge. To facilitate photo editing, there are free alternatives Magical destroyer This allows you to delete any element in just a few clicks.

Delete an object in a few clicks

Magic Eraser is a completely free tool and accessible from its web browser. No registration is required to use it. On the home page, you need to download your image from your file explorer by clicking the button provided for this purpose. The photo in question appears with a green cursor. Its size can be adjusted to select small or large areas. For this you need to adjust its size from the photo editor.

In the same way

Thanks to AI, this tool allows you to create elegant social media posts

To remove an object completely, you must select it completely by pressing on its cursor. It can’t be removed even if it is around. Once the zone is defined, the user only needs to release the cursor to locate his image without the question element. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is responsible for recreating the background of the photo. This gives the illusion that the destroyed object is not part of the content. You can see the difference with the original photo by pressing the “Original” button.

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If the changes made by Magic Eraser are not satisfactory, the “Undo” button allows you to go back and undo the changes. If the image rendering is optimal, you can download it to your device by clicking “Download”. Currently, only .JPG format is provided. So I have to say that it only takes a few seconds to read the images.

Note that the tool does not retain any downloaded content. If you would like to ask a question to the creator of Magic Eraser, the FAQ is available directly on his website.