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This antivirus application contains malware that can collect your bank details

This antivirus application contains malware that can collect your bank details

The Android App Store may not be as secure as users expect. According to N.C.C.A cybersecurity research team reports that there is dangerous malware in an antivirus application Squeeze the lemon.

This application called Antivirus Super Cleaner carries a shortcode that contains a devilishly capable Trojan that, among other things, will empty the victim’s bank account. This malware is in lite form when downloading the application. It updates and activates directly on the smartphone to achieve its final shape.

Find out before downloading the app

In addition to bank data recovery, SharkBot can ultimately control all the features of the target phone. If you have recently downloaded Antivirus Super Cleaner, it is recommended to uninstall and reset your smartphone.

The fake antivirus has already been removed from the Play Store, but it has already been downloaded a thousand times, NCC warns. Cyber ​​security analysts, though available in the official store, recommend doing some research on the app before downloading it.

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