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Rappel de produits

These products are dangerous to health, as are the chickens sold at Leclerc

The product recall has been going on for weeks. We have experienced many of these in recent weeks, but all of these still seem to exist Here. In fact, avoid eating these chickens sold at Leclerc!

Is product recall a dangerous feature?

Some things can make some people more or less scared.

For this, you need to know that food is an aspect that needs to be right. It can bring peace, especially to a variety of consumers, but also undeniable confidence.

Therefore, it is important for all distributors to carry out various tests to ensure healthy food delivery. A very important aspect, because all of these can have serious consequences for people’s health.

Cheese recall warning: 9 new brands worried in France!

To this end, various products have recently fallen victim to product recall, which is certain Panic In the minds of many consumers. We can specifically mention events that are reminiscent of frozen pizza brand products, but also the Kinder brand.

But recently, another product came to mind and is about chickens sold in Leclerc stores. After all, do not consume them, here is the reason!

Product recall of chicken sold at Leclerc!

All stores seem to be affected by the recall of different products. This is manifested in the different aspects we see, all of which are equally important.

So, this product is another thing related to a certain point to be remembered. To this end, the last recall of chickens sold at Leclerc between May 13 and 19. The brand mentions the possible presence of listeria in these foods.

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Hence the prohibited products Consumption So it must be destroyed or returned to the store. But here are more details about these products that are unfit for consumption.

In fact, these are the chickens sold under the brand Voluntary. These chickens are cooked and smoked chickens, which are sold on the shelves of the Leclerc brand.

According to government site Rafael Conso, which lists the recall of all products, these chickens, which are sold on trays sold between May 13 and 19, have different weights.

These products are subject to product recall and have 6 random digits following the barcode 2 8600050.

Consumer warning at Leclerc, Listeria found in chicken

And their expiration date is 08/06/2022. Therefore, it should be known as Important Do not consume these products unfit for consumption.

For this, it is important to collect them and bring them to the nearest sales outlet. You can also request a refund if required and it will be accepted.

You may be skeptical about the products you have purchased. That is why, Consumer service can be reached at 0800865286. So, it will end on July 19, 2022!

Consumption risks

The disease or bacteria found in these products is very dangerous. In fact, many cases have been identified in France recently, and this seems to have had serious consequences for some.

Risk of contamination by listeria.  Chicken commemorated by Leclerc throughout France

Rafael Conso warned: ” People who have taken the “products” mentioned above and have a fever, isolation or headache and body aches are invited to contact their doctor to let them know about it. Consumption. Severe forms with neurological complications and damage to the mother or fetus in pregnant women. Pregnant women and people with immunodeficiency and the elderly should be especially alert to these symptoms. Listeriosis is a disease that is severe and has an incubation period of up to eight weeks.“.

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So, take no risk, follow the recommendations of this product souvenir and bring the products back to the store!