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There is no last demand to defeat the vote

There is no last demand to defeat the vote

Trump is now alone, and Benz is pushing him: not for the latest demand to sway the vote

Donald Trump is alone now. Even his last hope of thwarting Joe Biden’s election on Epiphany has now been abandoned. In fact, his vice president’s lawyers yesterday Mike Pence They basically testified that the former governor of Indiana, The Donald, was also fired. According to CNN, prosecutors have actually asked a Texas federal judge Reject the application Republican Congressman Louis Gomert asked them to address their allegations in the House and Senate. That is, the president’s last-ditch supporters are demanding that Vice President Pence be forced to boycott the votes of various key states. Congress convenes next Wednesday Under his leadership to testify to the success of Biden who was elected President. This will not happen, however, as half of the congressional joint session and the lengthy speeches that Republican senators have undoubtedly kept the crowd focused focused beyond the eyes of the world, On January 6, nothing really strange will happen.

500 people at his New Year celebration in Trump, Florida. Biden celebrates at home in Delaware

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Counting the ballots at this point, as usual, will be a routine and very luxurious affair, however, to allow – in the hands of the US Constitution – to be more irrelevant to Biden’s victory, who was elected last December 14 after the Electoral College had already been officially completed. In fact, according to the American press, there must be some gases at last. On Jan. 6, 140 senators from Republican senators and the GOP (Grand Old Party) will be ready to run in a few stars and lines at the end of the presidential election. However, to do this – as the detailed protocol says – would require the approval of both branches of parliament: and the chamber is controlled by Democrats. So the date to be circled is January 20, the start date of the new presidential term.


Last Updated: 16:23

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