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There are 14,245 new cases in Italy

There are 14,245 new cases in Italy

InfectionI Infection Of January 3, 2021 Only in Italian territory, they are 14’245, The numbers that match the ones seen in the previous days are equal to, compared to good total buffers 102’974. However, the positive rate is high.

From the data published in today’s bulletin Ministry of Health, I Healed In the last 24 hours 14’746, With 347 deaths, Compared to 364 yesterday. I am currently in Italy 576’214 Really positive people 23,075 have been admitted to the hospital Hospitalized with symptoms, followed by sadness 2’583 People admitted to the hospital in intensive care, all the others seem to be alone at home.

I from the onset of the infection 2’155’446 Covit-19 cases registered in Italy 1’503’900 People were actually healed, e 75,332 people died.

Infection today: Data is being broken down by regions

The area with the highest number of infections continues on January 3rd Veneto With +3419, ContinuedEmilia Romagna a 1818, As well as Lombardy +1709 And this Lazio +1681 (The only area with more than 1000 infections Sicily +1047).

All other regions have less than 1000 infections daily, especially as we speak Piedmont +741, Campania +619, Tuscany +355, Puglia +950, Liguria +221, Friuli Venice Giulia +200, +372 walk, Abruzzo +207, Sardinia +194, Autonomous Province of Bolzano +96, Umbria +202, Calabria +150, Autonomous Region of Trento +130, Basilicata +81, Valley de Asta +35 e Molise +18.

Only tomorrow Italy will return fully to the Orange Zone, with minor changes compared to what has been seen in recent days, Tuesday and Wednesday more Red zone. There may be talk of new changes in the Panther Zone from Thursday until January 15, the Interim Order. Updates will follow in any case.

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