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The world's smallest Nintendo N64 fits in your pocket

The world’s smallest Nintendo N64 fits in your pocket

We like modified retro gaming devices here Input. So, “What if you picked up your favorite Nintendo N64 games on the go and ran low on the original hardware?” YouTube Conmods successfully dragged it through the “world’s smallest N64 portable”, the size of a classic gaming cartridge.

Next level soldering – There are plenty of emulators out there that allow you to play N64 games on an Android device, but GmanModz’s handheld portfolio was created by undermining the boldness of a real 90s console and packing everything into one small package. He brought only a few essential parts, such as a new slot with a battery, a 3.5-inch screen, a speaker and a “cryptic connector” that locks the cart during play.

Unfortunately, the battery only lasts about an hour and a half, and the portability is not very comfortable. But hey, you can play your original bullets in it, which is fun.

You are old, bud – The technology that we considered to be the “art level” rather than sitting on some small gadgets like the smartwatch is now obsolete, and the whole project puts forward the fact that it is often less powerful.

The circuit of the N64 still needs to be packed a little tighter (Conmots used “heat-resistant plastic” so that it does not melt when the interiors get hot), and, thanks to advances in battery and screen technology, the room can now be freed from life.

This console is packed in a handheld that fits in your pocket. YouTube / GmanModz

Instead of tearing up an N64 controller, GmanModz used a pair of custom buttons and switch joy-con joysticks instead because they have a smaller footprint. We pray they do not slip.

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