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The tuning should be weakened with the upcoming connection

The tuning should be weakened with the upcoming connection

Apex Legends: The tune should be weakened by the upcoming patch

Last Tuesday, Electronic Arts and Response Entertainment released the tenth season of Battle Royal Shooter “Apex Legends”. Named “Origin”, the players were given a revised version of the “Edge of the World” map, new stadium maps, game modifications and a new legend.

Seer causes debates

And the new myth of “Seer” is currently the center of debate. With his skills he can detect the opponent’s heartbeat through the walls, mark the opponent and reveal their life indicator or define an area where the footsteps and positions of the running opponents are displayed in real time. According to many players, Seer is currently very strong, which is why you can not do without him if you want to win the Battle Royale.

In the current one Reddit-AMA The developers answered the players ’questions and quickly watched the start of the tenth season. Sports engineer Travis Nordin has The following statement I met the uniform:

“Seer got off to a strong start, which was also optimistic. He brought a ton of new gameplay elements into the game (HP bars, interference) which got a lot of discussion among the players. It’s very nice to see. I have to say he will get updates.

More in this case: Apex Legends – Creation – Trailer Introduces New Battle Pass

If you now fear that you will have to wait a long time for these changes, you can be sure. Changes should not be made until the interim connection. Although you have not made any fundamental changes in Seren’s ability, his tactical ability in the future should no longer be dazzling.

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Also, Watson, Crypto and Bangalore do not want to give a specific deadline but there are plans to further improve. Additionally, the date for the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X / S versions of “Apex Legends” is yet to be named. In the future, one would also like to edit the status setting.

That: Gamespot

More news Apex Legends.

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