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The outcome of the support has already been determined - will Windows 11 come soon?

The outcome of the support has already been determined – will Windows 11 come soon?

On June 24, Microsoft plans to release big news about the future of its Windows 10 PC operating system. Now the symptoms for an heir are on the rise.

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Is Microsoft already ready to say goodbye to Windows 10? However, various specialized media are now rushing to hear the so-called “expiration date” message for Microsoft’s current operating system.

This means the following: Support for Windows 10 Home and Pro expires on October 14, 2025. This means that until then, Windows computers will be provided with major functional updates every six months. Extension of the deadline is entirely possible.

Microsoft wants to reveal its future plans soon

Viewers are now interpreting the manufacturer’s information in such a way that Microsoft wants to quickly put a successor system on the road to replace Windows 10. Some people talk about “Windows 11”, although the company already rejected such a name many years ago. In addition, the name of the project “Sun Valley” is in circulation, which so far is primarily associated with a major design update for Windows 10.

Most of these are speculations and rumors triggered by Microsoft’s latest announcement and the accompanying marketing campaign. The team actually wants to release its future plans for Windows on June 24th. We are talking about the “new generation” of the operating system. What lies behind it, and how much of a difference it makes to previous Windows 10, remains to be seen.

Users do not have to fear a sudden end

However, experience with previous Microsoft operating systems shows that it will take a few more years for users to make a potential switch. For example, Windows 7 ran for more than ten years before retiring in early 2020. Since then, updates are only available in exceptional cases, for example to pay corporate customers.

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Even with a new operating system in the beginning, Microsoft will certainly not abruptly drop the popular Windows 10, but will continue to do so for a few years to come.