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Addio a PES, Konami lancia eFootball: il nuovo gioco di calcio sarà digitale e free to play

The new football game will be digital and free to play

Goodbye PES. The most popular football simulator for consoles and PCs has changed its name to eFootball. But the news certainly does not end here, as Komani, the well – known video game maker today, has announced that playing eFootball will be free to play, meaning there will be no financial expense to play. Below is the official newsletter of Konami and the release trailer for the new game.

“It all started with the ambitious goal of establishing a reference point for video game football.
We were determined to recreate the ultimate football experience from the grass on the pitch to the movements of the players, to the stadium crowd.
To achieve this revolutionary goal, we have designed a new gaming machine with a revised animation system and advanced controls.
The end result impressed us more than we thought.
We have entered a new dimension of virtual football beyond the limits of PES.
To mark the beginning of a new era we have left our beloved PES brand and renamed it “eFootball ™”!
We hope you enjoy the new football experience, which only football can offer. “

Free to play cross platform
To allow all fans to get excited in the head, eFootball multiple adopts a model that can be played for free on multiple devices! Also, in the future it will become a completely cross-platform, so everyone can have fun together no matter what device they have. eFootball es takes sports to the next level, turning it into the ultimate football experience!

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Get ready for the new generation
PlayStation ® 5 and Xbox Series X | Exceptional graphics and total immersion in next generation consoles like the S!

Supported devices:
PlayStation ® 5, PlayStation ®4, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Xbox One, Windows 10 (PC), Steam (PC), iOS, Android

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