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The moon will turn red during the eclipse tonight from Sunday to Monday

The moon will turn red during the eclipse tonight from Sunday to Monday

This phenomenon occurs twice a year when the Sun, Earth and Moon are properly aligned and the Moon is in its full phase.

The star slips into the shadow of the earth, then protects it from the sun’s rays and gradually loses its white glow. The bright, white moon then takes on a reddish, tinged hue. With the naked eye, this phenomenon is visible with the telescope.

The eclipse lasts about five hours, and its full phase – when the star is fully in the shadow of the earth – lasts more than an hour.

On the mainland of France, the last is before January 2019 and the next will not take place until 2029.

Full eclipse from 5:29 a.m. to 6:54 p.m.

On the mainland of France, the total eclipse will last from 5:29 to 6:54 pm, with a maximum of 6:11 pm: the lunar disk will then be completely red. Note that at the same time as the sun rises, the full moon disappears at this point. So if you are in the west of France it will be much easier to observe this phenomenon where the sun rises later than the east.

It is a good idea to choose a place where the horizon is “clear to the west”.

The next full lunar eclipse is scheduled for November 2022 in the middle of the Pacific.

Lunar eclipses show that the Earth has been round “since antiquity”, the astronomer underlines. “On the surface of the lunar disk, the boundary between the shadow and the area illuminated by the sun is slightly curved: this is a prediction of the Earth’s orbit”.

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