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The Microsoft & Nintendo partnership is opening new doors

The Microsoft & Nintendo partnership is opening new doors

Joining the Super Smash Brothers‌ is a good sign that the relationship between Steve Nintendo and Microsoft is strong. Here’s why it’s great for gamers.

Microsoft and Nintendo continue to work in partnership with each other, breaking down the barriers that separate them. Starting with Push for crossplay led to the creation of guest characters between platforms. From appearing from Mario Minecraft For visible banjo kajui and steve Super Smash Brothers Ultimate As DLC fighters, Nintendo and Microsoft have not been ashamed to work together recently. Here is what it means for Next-Gen.

Microsoft and Nintendo begin working together in 2018, shifting towards crossplay thanks to games such as Industry Focus Minecraft And Fortnight. Microsoft has announced that it will soon be bringing the Xbox Live Switch console to individual games that can use the service to connect online players and unlock wins.

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Share to players

The excitement of Microsoft and Nintendo working together is great for gamers. What started out as a tool for gamers on different platforms to play together will pave the way for future generations. These days, allowing players the ability to connect is good business. This is what we see and hear most as video games continue to find their place in cloud-based streaming services.

The great result of this relationship is the eagerness that Microsoft has to share content and roles with Nintendo. Exclusive games like in the past Cuphead And Ori and the Blind Forest Gamers were shocked when the announcement for the switch came, as did the announcement of Banjo Kazui Smash Ultimate. But now, similar statements Ori and the Will of the Whips And a year or two ago when they seemed impossible Steve was less surprised.

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What can the future hold?

Smash Bros X Minecraft.

These kinds of collaborations can only open new doors for players and the industry has already seen some significant progress due to the good working relationship between Nintendo and Microsoft. Only on the Xbox Live switch In limited capacity, It’s a big deal that it doesn’t exist at all. This is a step towards a world where players experience lower limits based on their own hardware. While the idea of ​​a service like the Xbox Game Pass coming to the Nintendo platform may seem far-fetched, it is no longer possible.

It is unrealistic to expect more barriers between platforms to be broken over time. Nintendo and Microsoft have already shown that working together in the industry can lead to further success for both parties. Each partnership provides positive news coverage that can reach new players equivalent to free advertising.

As Nintendo and Microsoft set an example of how competitors can collaborate, other companies should notice and follow suit. Microsoft is already questioning whether exclusive games are also important, and while Nintendo is still very protective of its IP, there are some positive signs that the company is more open to collaboration even when it comes to its flagship series. Overall, the Microsoft and Nintendo shareholding is an industry-friendly thing that creates a better environment for players.

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