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The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles erscheint am 27. Julie • Nintendo Connect

The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles erscheint am 27. Julie • Nintendo Connect

With one Video message Presented by Shu Takumi, Director of the Ace Attorney series The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles Announced for North America and Europe. This game will be available for the first time in Germany from July 27th. This collection tells the story of Phoenix Wright’s ancestor, the main protagonist of the icon Ace Lawyer Court Room Adventure Series.

You go inside The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles It is the role of a defense attorney to monitor the evidence and argue in court to ensure a fair trial. The set shines with “newly recorded English voices” and includes games The Great Ace Lawyer: Adventures And Great Ace Lawyer 2: SolveThey were previously only available in Japan.

Even the explanation The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles:

The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles Set in the late 19th century Japanese Meiji period and the Victorian era in England and follows the main protagonist Ryunosuk Naruhodo, he serves to uncover the truth in the testimony and to erase the names of his clients in court. You will unravel the secrets behind 10 amazing cases with crazy-exaggerated characters including the best local detective Herlock Scholes.

In true ace attorney style, you will test your attorney skills, gather evidence, interview key witnesses, and ultimately defend their clients in the courtroom. With two additional game features, potential lawyers should take note The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles Prepare for trials and court battles like you have never seen before. During the trial, you can work with Herlock Sholmas to “dance the exception” to find additional clues or spot bugs. In the courtroom, you will take part in “abstract choices” where you will point out differences between jurors in the hope that you will reach a “not guilty” verdict.

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The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles Features awesome bonus content including eight additional mini-episodes and three alternative costumes previously released as DLC content in Japan. In addition, the collection includes a unique view of the artwork, music and insights into the voice recordings of the games through the newly added art gallery and auditorium.

The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles Released July 27, 2021 Nintendo Switch, Via PlayStation 4 and PC Steam. There is a bundle with The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles And this Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy Available.