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The discovery in Israel of new species of prehistoric man challenges the theory by Neanderthals

The discovery in Israel of new species of prehistoric man challenges the theory by Neanderthals

Fossil remains of a skull and jaw found at an excavation site in a cement factory quarry near the central city of Ramla.
Fossil remains of a skull and jaw found at an excavation site at a cement plant quarry near the central city of Ramla. (TEL AVIV UNIVERSITY / AFP)

The genus was named Nasir Ramla after the small town of Ramla near Tel Aviv where the excavations were carried out. It is very close to the Ben Gurion Airport. A team of researchers, mainly Israelis, but also Italians, Spaniards, Swiss and Americans, released its results on Friday, June 25. Review Science (Article in English).

Their main conclusion stimulates the recognition of the scientific community: they have discovered a new species of hominids. Bones were dated to an average date of 125,000 years before our era. Unlike prehistoric discoveries in Israel made in caves, they were also found in the open field.

Homo Nature Ramla already has techniques developed at that time. He has stone tools, hunting games, cooks or roast meat. Animal bones and remains of hunting tools were found at a depth of 8 m. However, Nasser Ramla is not yet a “modern” man, his teeth are small and his chin is long. It’s not Homo sapiens, but it was associated with it, at the same time. It is therefore an additional link in human evolution.

One question motivates researchers. Could be Origin of the famous Neanderthal Who are the people in Europe? This is the second result of a published study Science. But this is highly controversial. According to Israeli researchers, Nazareth Ramla has real similarities with Nasserthams: the shape of the skull, the jaw. Therefore, they consider the Nature Ramla to be the source, the origin of the first Neanderthals, which would be an uprising.

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The generally accepted thesis is that Neanderthals appeared in Europe, especially in Western Europe, before migrating to the southern, Mediterranean, and near the east. Tel Aviv Group Changes Perspective: If Neanderthals first appeared in the Middle East, then expands to Europe and Asia. This is a complete paradigm shift. Researchers insist that these lands, now known as Israel or Palestine, have always been a crossroads, a footpath, a route between Africa (the land of the first hominids) and Europe. But in their theory there is still the problem of dates, the Nature Ramla is 125,000 years old, where traces of Neanderthals were discovered in Europe almost 400,000 years ago.

There is almost a political dimension to this debate. Its implication is where modern man comes from. Especially in Israel, the debate is not neutral. These three times as always when looking at history in the Holy Land. To Rachel Sarrick, one of the Tel Aviv team’s researchers, “This discovery shows that the land of Israel functioned as a melting pot, where different peoples came together and then spread throughout the Old World.”. It is almost a way of saying that Israel gave man to the whole earth. Religion is not far off. Here we turn to the controversial interpretation.