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The director "collaborates with a famous creator" in Japan -

The director “collaborates with a famous creator” in Japan –

Keiziro Toyama, Director de Silent Hill, Siren and Gravity Rush, star said Collaborates with a “famous creator” in Japan. In December, Toyama announced its farewell to SIE Japan Studios, which created Bokeh Game Studio, along with Junya Okura, Russia’s leading designer on gravity, and Kasunobu Sato, Papadier’s leading designer.

We know that the next Toyama game is a ‘Horror Action Adventure It aims to be released on multiple platforms by 2023. It seems that many members of the Japan studio have followed the director of Silent Hill and joined his new team.

The director of Silent Hill, who spoke with Al Hub, said there was something to be revealed and that it was related to the person he was collaborating with. Unfortunately this is all the author wanted to say. However, he reiterated that the sports system would be linked to Asian cities.

So the details are very minimal, but this is normal Consider that we are talking about a game planned before 2023. We will have more opportunities to investigate this matter in the next two years. Of course Bokeh Game Studio can count on top-notch names, so campuses are positive.

The Silent Hill director also explained recently Its goal is not to reach the widest possible audience. His hope is to create IPs that fans can still enjoy after 10 or 20 years.

Speaking of Silent Hill: According to the latest rumors the restart will be handed over to the Japanese team.

What game will Silent Hill's mind bring?
What game will Silent Hill’s mind bring?