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Désarrimage de l'ISS du module Pirs (en blanc), accroché à un cargo Progress pour laisser la place au module Nauka, sur lequel est installé le bras ERA de l'Agence spatiale européenne. © ESA/Nasa, T. Pesquet

The Birs block left the space station and crashed into the atmosphere under the view of Thomas Baskett.

The Russian spacecraft, which was installed by the European Space Agency’s ERA robotic arm on July 21, was successfully launched on July 21 by a proton launcher. Naka will take the place of Birs. The latter, which served as a docking port and space exit airlock, left the ISS and was later stopped by an advanced cargo ship in view of Thomas Pesket.

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Russian Nauka block, which was launched on July 21 at an launch Proton From Pykonor Cosmotrome, join International Space Station (ISS) and dock there on July 29th. Before reaching the goal Complex orbit, Many course corrections are necessary to keep it Around the circular path Appointments and above all ISS ensures its maneuverability to avoid the risk of collision when it is near. Finally, 15 years later – the module should have been launched in 2007 – it is not a waste of time to make sure it is working properly in orbit. Nauka carries the hand of the European Space Agency ERA, which is installed outside the block.

As explained in the previous article, The ERA hand Is on Russian Division From Complex orbit In addition to the hand Robotic Condom 2. This is a small space station, with no access to the entire ISS. Although designed for testing, the appropriate living and working area Astronauts, This module also acts as a docking port. It has a CNG navigation and guidance control system and an approach control system. It will be used specifically to control the role of the space station. So this could be a backup solution for the ISS, and if the Russians decide to split the Russian part of the ISS, as they speculate, Nauka could be the heart of their future space station.

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Birs’ devastating comeback attracted an advancing cargo ship

The Russian Nauka block will be relocated to the Svesta block, where it was occupied by the Birs block a few days ago. After more than 20 years of service (launched in September 2001), this docking port and space walkway were separated from the ISS. The birch attached to an advanced cargo ship was later decommissioned and two handicrafts sunk in it.Atmosphere, They were destroyed and burned under the effect of friction.

To facilitate the un-docking maneuver and the departure of the two engines, ” The space station is tilted 90 “, Accurate Thomas Baskett. That explains why. ” A few hours later, we were in the front row to see the end of the fireball During the devastating re-entry into the atmosphere of Birs and Progress.

The launch of the Russian multi-function laboratory Naukah has been postponed

Article Remy Decord Posted on 07/25/2012

The new Russian Multi-Function Laboratory (MLM) and the space station’s European robot arm will have to wait before they can be launched and integrated into orbit. Delays Construction This block forces the Russian space agency to postpone its launch until the end of 2013.

The Central Spatial Grunitsev, One of the two builders of the MLM module called Nauka (“scientific”, in Russian) RKK Energy, Has confirmed significant delays in its completion. The module is to be integrated into the Russian field of the International Space Station (ISS). This is a blowEuropean Space Agency Because the robot he designed specifically for the ISS had to be installed on the hand nook.

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The Grunitsev Space Center calls to explain this setback. ” Technical and organizational issues », An empty word. We are not at the end of our surprises, because once Krunitsev finishes his work on Nauka, it will be donated to RKK Energy, where various systems will be installed before its completion.

It should be noted that if Russia gave the green light to build this block in 2006, it was not a fresh start at that time. The idea was Recycling Existing block, which was carried out on request Roscosmos In Back up Presented by Zarya. In other words, it should be built quickly, especially since its release was originally scheduled for 2009 before being postponed to 2011 for the first time, as we learned later, in late 2013.

ERA, Europe’s robot arm, landed

Nauka a a Proton And established in the Russian port of ISS, integrated into the Svesta block to replace the Birs docking port. One of the uniqueness of Nauka is that it can be used for business purposes. To avoid this it will be used to improve the station’s orbit and adjust its path if necessary Garbage, For example.

As ER Robotic armA (European robotic arm)It is one of the three main components of European participation in the construction of the International Space Station. The other two automatic transmission vehicles (ATV) And the Scientific Laboratory Columbus.

Although very different from Condorm 2 (The robot arm of the mobile maintenance system currently in service on a large scale உத்திரம் Of the station), will be ERA complement. Established in Nouakchott, it covers the Russian part of the station, which is completely inaccessible to Condom 2.